Pending transactions may not show up on your account until they are posted (finalized) with the merchant’s bank. This usually happens within a couple of days but may sometimes take longer. To check if the transaction is posted and finalized, you'll want to log in to your account on the financial institution's website and review your running transactions.
Our platform updates nightly, so some transactions that are finalized during the day may not show up until the following day.
If a transaction has posted for more than a day and is still not showing up on your account, please try unlinking your account, and then linking it again.
If you're using the NerdWallet app
1. Tap the profile icon in the upper left-hand corner.
2. Tap Financial info.
3. Tap Linked financial institutions.
4. Tap the account with the missing transactions.
5. Tap the blue Unlink account link toward the bottom of the screen, then tap, "Yes, unlink."
6. Tap the X in the top right corner to return to the Home section.
7. Visit the Cash flow tab and tap the + sign at the top of the screen to begin the process of relinking your account.
If you're accessing your account from a web browser
1. Move your cursor over the My NerdWallet menu in the upper right-hand corner to open open your account menu, then click on Settings, under My info.
2. Click Manage accounts.
3. Next to the account you'd like to unlink, click the blue, Unlink button.
4. Hover over the My NerdWallet menu again and click on Cash flow under My money.
5. Click the blue + Link another account link to begin the process of relinking your account.