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How will certain actions affect my credit score?


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    Nanna_ One Love

    You may want to stop recommending the Capitol One Spark Credit Card. Here's why: Capital One decreased my credit limit because I have not been using my credit card lately and/or using enough of my card's credit limit. I guess it does not matter to them that the interest rates & inflation are extremely high at this time. Prior to the election, this is not a day and time someone wants to increase credit card debt. However, my credit limit was decreased by $4000. Capitol One seems to want their customers to struggle or be in debt with high credit card interest rates. Why else would they do this, and so close to the holidays? And yes, my FICO score and credit report took a negative hit (loss points) for what Capitol One did. They also do not specify to the credit bureau in their report the reason for the decrease which can then be interpreted as the decrease being a result of delinquent payments, missing payments, or other negative account history. So, for anyone who is planning on getting a Capital One credit card, be ready to either set yourself up to stay in debt with them with high interest rates, maxing out your credit card, or them punishing you for not doing those things by decreasing your credit limit. Either way, Capital One hurts your credit in the long run rather than helps it. By the way, I have perfect credit/account history.

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