Payoff mortgage or invest?
I currently have a mortgage with a 3.75% APR. Recently, my PMI payment went away and left me overpaying my mortgage payment by $250 a month. If I continue overpaying my mortgage payment, l will pay off my mortgage sooner. However, I am thinking I could make better use of the $250 by investing it in gold/silver, cryptocurrencies, REITs, or other assets.
My reasoning is I can easily get a better than 3.75% annual return.
I would appreciate any comments/suggestions on how to use this "extra" $250 a month.
I would pay off your mortgage as soon as you can with surplus cash you generate. Doing so introduces other benefits to your life and free's you up from the crutches of debt. I did this @40 and today own 4 condo's which I rent and spend my cash on travelling and enjoying this beautiful country. Allow yourself the luxury of being debt free.
Thanks for the advice. I guess what I failed to mention is I'm 71 years old. My mortgage still has 11 years left with the lower payment and 8 years with the increased payment. In this short term given my life expectancy wouldn't it be better to invest the extra $250 in higher-risk assets?
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