Tool suggestion - search active offers for all my credit cards
I like I'm sure many Nerdwallet users have several credit cards. I have currently hundreds of offers available (incidentally I had no idea how many offers C1 had!) across 6 cards. They offer serious value but change constantly and are a pain to scroll through.
To be clear by offer I mean when the cc offers say 5% back to spend at a specific retailer etc, they usually recycle every month or so.
I think a tool to be able to search across all cards that an individual has to search current offers and compare to see which is better. For example I just signed up for HelloFresh. I think every single card has an offer with them and they're all slightly different. It would have made that decision much better and easier if I could have searched through all my offers and compare in one place.
Official comment
Hi Julian,
Thanks for reaching out to NerdWallet; we really appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us.
We can definitely see how searching active offers for all your credit cards could be very useful, and have shared your comments with the appropriate team for consideration.
If you have additional questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to get back in touch!
Best Regards,
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