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Linking Multiple Accounts from Same Bank (Different Login Credentials)



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    Menghan Wang

    This restriction makes NerdWallet useless to me. My husband and I have our own individual account at the same banks, but only one can be linked. The dashboard with a single account makes no sense as we plan our finance on a family basis. 

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    Sam Wagner

    I completely agree with this one... I understand that it's a limitation with Plaid but using a separate Plaid account could technically add another account from the same bank, however it never actually completes the process on the Nerdwallet side. 

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    Jose J. Prats

    This is a showstopper for me. I was coming over from Mint. My wife and I have separate Amazon credit cards at Chase. And separate 401K at same institution. We won't be able to see our net worth and our monthly spend without linking both sets of accounts. 

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    Agree, this is totally a showstopper. As I was about to switch from mint to nerdwallet, this is the single biggest issue as I have been the one who is managing all our family finance accounts.

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    Rajinder Singh

    This is a show-stopper for me. I just signed up for Nerdwallet. I was using Mint for 15-20 years. It is too bad that we cannot have more than 1 account from the same institution. My wife and I have our roll over IRAs in vanguard. We can only add 1 which is a deal breaker.

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    Jimmy Kerrigan

    Welp, this will stop my transition from Mint. Oh well.

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    Kevin Wilson

    Unfortunately, I already transferred my data/transactions from Mint before realizing I could not add multiple accounts. My wife and I have multiple credit cards (AMEX, Chase, Discover, etc.), as well as multiple investments/brokerage accounts with individual logins making it impossible to see our family finances in a single dashboard. If you can't figure out the security to make this work, at least allow us to manually enter stuff to keep a general high-level view of our finances.

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    Sam Wagner

    You can try using multiple plaid phone numbers... It didn't work for me with chase but I've had luck doing that with other such services.

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    Zachary Leonard

    This is ridiculous. This restriction prevents my wife and I from linking our student loans that happen to exist at the same servicer... The interface and functionality of NerdWallet is great, but I can't migrate here from Mint if I can't link all my wife and I's accounts.

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    Kirk D Wilson

    That is absolutely awful! That was the whole reason I was moving to NerdWallet. My wife and I have separate accounts at the same bank. We loved Mint but it is shutting down and they make you switch to CreditKarma. It is difficult, but possible, to add more than one login to the same bank in Credit Karma but I don't like its interface. I was hoping that NerdWallet would be a replacement for Mint. Now I don't know who to use but I guess it won't be NerdWallet.

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    Phil Webster

    Agree with everyone above. Looking for Mint alternative and had high hopes. My wife and I have multiple accounts at several institutions, so this limitation makes NerdWallet useless for us. Guess we'll try CreditKarma after all... 

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    Jimmy Kerrigan

    No COI, but Empower Personal has the ability to load multiple accounts from single vendors and is what I've switched to.

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    Phil Webster

    I have also switched to Empower Personal (, sign up for personal dashboard) and can confirm that it has no problem connecting multiple logins to the same institution. Also, it can connect to Fidelity which is a stumbling block for many platforms since it doesn't accept Plaid connections at all. With the exception of one local bank which is having trouble connecting, I've successfully set up all other accounts, and am already enjoying the interface and lots of extra value adds. Highly recommend.

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    Olga Sherman

    So much work was done to organize our cards and all of it in vain, now that I stumbled upon this issue. Wish you placed this article somewhere on top of your home page. As a result, this tool might work for a single user, but not for a family. We both have different Discover card accounts since the time we were students, and both have different Chase accounts, etc. Nerdwallet is now useless to us, unfortunately. 

    Thanks for everyone who recommended an alternative, will be looking at Empower Personal tomorrow

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    This seems... wrong. Lots of other highly secure and reputable financial tracking solutions allow for multiple accounts from a single bank. This seems more like an excuse for a lack of product capability... I'm surprised your engineers didn't identify the fact that many people have multiple accounts from a single bank. Glad others are posting competitors, I'll likely leave Nerd Wallet and go with them!

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    Yan D Zhao

    Same here, complete show stopper. I will go back to personal capital, which seems to be inferior in terms of linking but allows for multiple users from the same back. Disappointing!

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    This stipulation sucks. Leaving to empower right now. Bye

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    Jess Vento

    So disappointing! The bank requires separate logins for accounts that are just under my name vs joint accounts and while I can log in to their website under one login, this doesn't allow for duplicate logins for the same financial institution. Since our family spending is out of both accounts and that's what I want to track, this is totally useless. If it can be fixed in the future, I'll consider coming back.

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